

Integration options

Integration is to change and/or create contacts in enKod when the following events occur in AMO CRM:


1. Set webhook (one for all events or separate for each)

If you want, for example, to subscribe your contacts to a mailing group when one event occurs, but not when another event occurs, use separate webhooks.

The manager will provide you with the URL of the webhook to be installed in AMO → AMO Market → Webhooks

2. Select the required events

We support 4 types of events, changes in which are the trigger to change/add a contact in enKod.

Customise the four events that you require.

Working with contacts

Adding a contact in AMO → Adding/updating a contact in enKod

When adding a contact to AMO:

Changing a contact in AMO → Adding/updating a contact in enKod

When changing a contact in AMO:

Matching contact fields in AMO with data fields in enKod

A contact in AMO has two types of fields - system fields (existing initially, not displayed in the interface) and custom fields (manually created). The contact's email, phone number, first name and last name will be passed by default.

Processing system fields of a contact

In AMO, a contact has system fields:

Name Value
id contact card id
responsible_user_id responsible user id
date_create card creation date
last_modified date of last modification of the card
created_user_id creator id
modified_user_id modifier id
account_id account id

For each system contact field that you want to pass to enKod, create a data field with a system name in the form of amo_contact_id, amo_contact_name, amo_contact_responsible_user_id etc.

If you don't need to pass a field, just don't create it in enKod. Read the list of fields that we can and cannot process in this section. this section.

Processing custom fields:

In AMO, custom contact fields have their own unique id, which can be viewed here:

To pass such fields to enKod, create data fields in the service with system names in the form:

where 1 and 2 are id of user contact fields in AMO.

If you don't need to pass a field, just don't create it in enKod. Check out the list of fields we can and cannot handle in the this section.

Working with transactions

Adding and changing a contact in enKod when adding and changing a transaction in AMO

We can only associate a transaction with a contact if a custom field named email is created for the transaction entity in AMO.

In this case we can process events:

Adding a transaction to AMO → Adding/updating a contact in enKod

When adding a transaction to AMO:

Changing a transaction in AMO → Adding/updating a contact in enKod

When changing a transaction in AMO:

Matching transaction fields in AMO with contact data fields in enKod

A transaction in AMO has two types of fields - system fields (existing initially, almost all of them are not displayed in the interface) and custom fields (created manually).

Processing of system fields of a transaction

In AMO, a transaction has system fields:

Name Value
id transaction card id
name transaction name
status_id transaction status id
price transaction budget
responsible_user_id responsible user id
last_modified date of last card modification
modified_user_id user id
created_user_id creator id
date_create creation date
pipeline_id funnel id
account_id account id

For each system transaction field to be passed to enKod, create a data field with a system name in the form of amo_lead_id, amo_lead_name, amo_lead_status_id etc.

If you don't need to pass a field, just don't create it in enKod. Read the list of fields that we can and cannot handle in this section. this section.

Processing custom fields:

In AMO, custom transaction fields have their own unique id, which can be viewed here:

To pass such fields to enKod, create data fields in the service with system names in the form:

where 1 and 2 are the id of user transaction fields in AMO.

If you don't need to pass a field, just don't create it in enKod. Check out the list of fields we can and cannot process in the this section.

How contacts are matched

From AMO to enKod can come: email, multiple emails, email and phone, phone only, multiple phones. We can get multiple fields with emails or phones if they were added manually in AMO (custom fields).

If there is invalid value in the e-mail or phone number we match (for example, e-mail without dog, letters in the phone number), we do not process such requests (for cases when only e-mail or only phone number is sent). If we receive an email and a phone number, and one of the identifiers is invalid, we will search for a contact by the second (corrected) identifier.

If the contact was found, we update its fields.

If the contact was not found - we create it.

Data types of system fields in AMO and their correspondences in enKod

Contact system fields

Field in AMO Field type in enKod
First Name First and Last Name, passed by default, separated by space
Email Email, passed by default.
Phone Phone, transmitted by default
id Text or Number
responsible_user_id Text or Number
date_create Date and time
last_modified Date and time
created_user_id Text or Number
modified_user_id Text or Number
account_id Text or Number

Transaction system fields

Field in AMO Field type in enKod
id Text or Number
name Text
status_id Text or Number
price Number
responsible_user_id Text or Number
last_modified Date and time
modified_user_id Text or Number
created_user_id Text or Number
date_create Date and time
pipeline_id Text or Number
account_id Text or Number

Data types of user fields in AMO and their correspondences in enKod

Type in AMO Type in enKod
Name Name
Email Email
Phone Phone
Text Text
Number Number
Flag Logical
List Do not process
Multilist Do not process
Date Date
Link Text
Text area Text
Switch Do not process
Short address Text
Address Do not process
Birthday Date
Legal Entity Do not process
Date and time Date and time
File Do not process


Subscription to mailing groups

If necessary, you can subscribe contacts to mailing groups when adding them to enKod. In this case the subscription will work according to the logic of «everyone, including unsubscribers», but contacts that are in Emergency or Civil Contingency will not be subscribed.

To subscribe, add the system names of the required groups after the main part of the URL in the following form:
