

Scenarios are visual chains consisting of blocks connected to each other. A scenario automatically directs the user along a given event path based on conditions or the performance of an action. The scenario interface allows you to visualise trigger communications.

Scenario Creation. Canvas

To create a script, go to NewslettersScripts. Once the name of the scenario has been set, you will be taken to the canvas on which you need to place the blocks.

On the canvas you can find various tools that can help you when working:

In addition to the navigation tools, several other useful functions are available:

Creating a script. Blocks

Block settings are on the right sidebar. Drag a block onto the canvas and double-click to open the settings.

It is mandatory to create at least one starting and ending block for each scenario. The rest of the blocks can be combined at your discretion and tasks.

The starting block is the event that must occur for the contact to start going through the scenario. You can use multiple starting and ending blocks within a single scenario. An important setting for the initial block is «Duplicate Handling». It regulates the behaviour of the scenario in case the same contact starts the scenario without having completed the previous walkthrough yet. Be careful, because if you use several initial blocks, this setting will be synchronised and applied in each of them.

Starting blocks

Main blocks

Final block

If your scenario includes a final block of unsubscribing from all mailing groups immediately after the block with sending a message, we recommend to put a small pause between these two blocks. Mailers do not always process requests to send messages instantly, so it may happen that a contact is unsubscribed from groups before the message is sent to them.

Scenario Creation. Script messages

Script messages are created in the same place as normal messages, but are stored in a separate list tab.

The script message wizard consists of one step - the message editor. When creating a message, you can copy any existing message, even if it is not a script message. Once created, the scenario message will have the status «Inactive» until it is placed in the scenario and it is activated.

Scenarios. Statuses and actions

Scenarios can exist in three statuses:

Actions that can be performed on the scenario:

Features of script editing:

  • All contacts that were in blocks will end the scenario instantly when those blocks are deleted
  • Contacts that are not affected by the changes will continue to go through the scenario taking into account the changes made.
  • When changing the pause type from pause period to a specific date - counts for all contacts that were paused at the time of the change, until the specified date, without taking into account the entry date and the time spent on the block.
  • When changing the type of pause from a specific date to a waiting period - count the waiting period from zero for all contacts that were paused at the moment of change
  • When a contact enters a pause block of the «Waiting for a specific date» type in a situation where the date has already passed, the contact will pass the block instantly
  • When a scenario is paused, the pause of the «Set duration» type is not paused, the time countdown continues. If the pause period expires during the paused scenario, the contacts will pass to the next block immediately when the scenario is resumed.
  • Editing of the «Distribution» block of the «Equal» type: when deleting one of the branches, we will not save the statistics of the number of passes on this branch; when adding a new branch, if there have already been passes on the existing ones, the contacts will continue to be distributed evenly, despite the fact that the number of passes will be different; when deleting a branch and adding it again (including without saving it), we will reset the number of passes on it to zero, because in fact it will be a new branch.

Scenarios. General information

By clicking on the scenario name you can view general information about the scenario - statistics on contacts and messages.

The contact statistics shows the scenario's users in numbers and lists (click on a tile).

A contact may fail to complete a scenario due to the deletion of the block the contact is currently on, or for some other unforeseen reason. Please note that we do not remove a contact from the script when unsubscribing from a mailing group, receiving a hard delivery error, or after a contact is blacklisted. But the contact will not receive script messages through an unavailable channel.

You can set up the required period of displaying statistics (indicators on dashboards and in the table) in the calendar.

Below you can see the statistics on script messages in the form of a graph and a table.

You can filter the graph by metrics (sends, opens or clicks), channels (email and mobile push notifications), period (days, weeks, months), and messages (all or selected). You can hide messages you don't want to see stats for at the moment in the graph by clicking on the colour message ID in the legend. You can view the quantitative indicators by hovering the mouse cursor over the line.

Scenarios. Preview

In the preview tab you can see the layout of the scenario, as well as information about the number of contacts that are currently going through it and what stage they are at.

To find a contact in the scenario, enter their email address in the search bar. The block or relationship the contact is currently on will be highlighted in colour.

Additional information on the canvas: