API documentation

The documentation describes enKod API and is intended for developers whose task is to integrate enKod with various systems and services.

In addition, the API can be used to get detailed information about persons in enKod, to act on messages, to view statistics and to work with data tables. For each API method the documentation provides necessary parameters, examples of queries and explanations of possible responses.

To work with enKod API you need to create an API key. To do this, go to enKod»Settings»API and create a key with all necessary permissions. All examples from the API documentation should be modified according to your working API key.

You can familiarise yourself with all existing methods by clicking here.

Testing requests via Postman

Below is a brief instruction on testing API requests in Postman for all possible formats of their record in the documentation.

POST requests



GET requests

Option 1



Option 2



Option 3



Last modified: 2023.12.13 10:41 by Anastasia Aniskova