To track link clicks in posts, we use tracking links, which are essentially a layer between the user's click and the final address specified in the layout. The service first takes the user to our tracking domain and then instantly redirects them to the final address. Therefore, when the mouse cursor hovers over a link in the message, not the final link is displayed, but a link of the following form “…”.

Now we record clicks on links without protocol and on links of the following type: http://, https://, ftp://, ftps:, . Links of other types, such as mailto:, tel:, skype:, are processed differently when opened in email clients, and statistics on them may be incorrect.

We do not track clicks on system links to subscribe to mailing lists and unsubscribe from mailing lists.

If you want to track clicks but do not want the recipient to see our tracking links, follow these steps:

1. In DNS settings, write a CNAME record where the domain you need will point to

2. Tell about the domain to your account manager for internal settings on our side.

Changes will be available only in new messages.

If there is no need to track link clicks, you can use the dynamic content method in the layout:

<a href="{{DoNotTrackLink('')}}">CLICK</a>.

If you are using the method on sending transactional messages via APIs and passing links in the snippet, and tracking click-throughs is not needed, then use the following dynamic content method to hide our tracking domain:

var link = Snippet('snippet_name');

and substitute links in the layout as:

<a href="{{DoNotTrackLink(link)}}">CLICK</a>
Last modified: 2025.01.13 10:45 by Elizaveta Ivannikova