General settings

Sender and UTM tag settings

For each of the connected domains you can set the sender settings (email and name) and default UTM tags. You can do this in the SettingsMailingsEmail.

The default settings will be substituted in the wizard of creating a regular email message and a script email message.

Email message sending limit

In the settings you can set a limit on the number of emails sent per period per user.

The restriction applies according to the following rules:

  • The period is counted as the number of days since the limit was set and is not linked to calendar dates
  • When the limit is switched off and then switched on, the previous sends within the limit will be taken into account
  • API messages will not be sent to the user if they exceed the set limit, despite the fact that the response to a correct API request will return a response 200
  • In the message details in the “Not sent” section, you will be able to view the contacts to whom the message was not sent due to exceeding the limit

You can restrict limit accounting for messages by API or event. In this case, they will not be taken into account when calculating the number of messages per contact per period.

DOI messages don't count towards the send limit, but scenario messages do.

How the limit works if you change it during a period:

Example for a limit of N messages per 1 hour:

  • It is now 4:40 pm. I activate the limit of 2 messages per hour
  • 4:50 p.m. I send two messages
  • 4:55 p.m. I change the limit to 5 messages per hour.
  • 5:00 p.m. I'm sending 3 messages
  • 5:30 p.m. I try to send 1 more message - it will NOT be sent because it will be the sixth message since (5:30 p.m. minus 1h = 4:30 p.m.).
  • 5:51 p.m. I send 1 message (as messages sent at 4:50 p.m. are no longer counted, so I have a 2-message margin again).
  • 5:56 p.m. I send 1 message (it will also be sent successfully).
  • 5:57 p.m. I try to send 1 more message - it will NOT be sent because it will be the sixth message since (5:57 p.m. minus 1h = 4:57 p.m.).

Example for a limit of N messages in 2 hours:

  • It is now 3:00 p.m.. I activate the 2 messages per 2 hours limit
  • 3:50 p.m. I send 2 messages
  • 3:55 p.m. I change the limit to 5 messages per 2 hours.
  • 5:00 p.m. I'm sending 3 messages
  • 5:30 p.m. I try to send one more message - it will NOT be sent as it will be the sixth message since (5:30 p.m. minus 2h = 3:30 p.m.).
  • 5:51 p.m. I send 1 message (as messages sent at 3:50 p.m. are no longer counted and I have a 2 message margin again).
  • 5:56 p.m. I send 1 message (it will also be sent successfully).
  • 5:57 p.m. I try to send 1 more message - it will NOT be sent as it will be the sixth message since (5:57 p.m. minus 2h = 3:57 p.m.).

Automatic detection of bots

Each email message, regardless of the selected settings, contains a system link that is invisible to the average person.

Clicking on it allows us to understand that the contact is a bot, since they click all the links in the letter, including invisible ones.

Using SettingsMailingsEmailAutomatic detection of bots you can enable or disable recording activity (opens, clicks) of bot contacts in email message statistics and in contact card. By default, email statistics take into account clicks and opens made by bots.

Please note that automations configured to click or open (scripts, sends, etc.) will continue to work even for contacts we have identified as bots.

The tracking method we use may not always be accurate, as it is impossible to take into account all the existing functionality of such bots. We may miss someone because there is no generally accepted algorithm for determining.

The setting works for each individual letter, so if the bot suddenly ceases to be a bot, we will record its activity where it did not raise suspicion.

If you want to assign the “Bot” tag to suspicious contacts, click on the appropriate checkbox and save the changes.

  • If the checkbox is checked: in the contact card that we have defined as a bot, the tag “Bot” will appear in a unique color, by which you can segment contacts in the section Data ➔ Segments ➔ Creating a segment for messages (According to user data ➔ Tag) and perform all the manipulations you need on them. Including removing them.
  • When you remove the checkbox: already added “Bot” tags remain in the contact card, new ones are not assigned and are not displayed. The segment for this tag is recalculated based on those contacts who were previously assigned the “Bot” tag.

• The “Bot” tag cannot be removed or unpinned from a contact.
• If a contact is removed and restored, the “Bot” tag is not saved for it.

Setting up attribution for mailings

In the Settings ➔ Mailings section, you can independently set the time period for calculating statistics on the number of orders from letters and change the attribution window to one of:

  • 1 day
  • 7 days
  • 14 days
  • 30 days

When changing the setting, all data is recalculated.

Attribution settings affect the following metrics:

  • revenue
  • orders
  • conversions to order
  • average check
  • items sold
  • average number of items per order

Mobile push

Bind your mobile app to send Mobile Push notifications to mobile devices. For more information on setting up Mobile Push notifications, please refer to in this section of the manual.

Unsubscribe settings

Enable the unsubscribe manager to specify the customer's desire to unsubscribe from mailing lists. Learn more about the manager's functionality in this section of the manual.

Image Storage

Upload images from your computer for use in email messages. Learn all about storage in this section of the manual.

Last modified: 2024.08.30 08:18 by Elizaveta Ivannikova